December 18, 2011

Comparing Obama to The Rough Rider!

Say What?
Theodore Roosevelt!
One of our greatest presidents!
          How bad is it for Obama? Well, he recently took a trip to Kansas, a small dot on the map, called Osawatomie. Population - 4,447 people. I'm sure they are good people. Small town and rural people. My kind of people. The reason he went there? Because way back in 1910 Teddy Roosevelt went there. He is grasping at any straw available to attach himself to something, anything, for some positive press.

I can imagine him with his advisers in a meeting: " What are we gonna do brothers? I'm getting killed in the press, my ratings are down again this morning, give me some ideas. Well I read a book the other day on The Great Presidents, - was I in it? interjected, Obama . Um, no Mr. President it was about past Presidents. Anyway, there was a section about Teddy Roosevelt,  he gave a great speech in the heartland, in Kansas. A speech, now that's right up my alley. I can give a helluva speech. It's what I do!"

          Teddy was one of the best presidents ever. He was a great American without being a president. His politics were a mix of Progressive and Conservative. He provided leadership for this country as few have. For a common politician like Obama to compare himself as being on a plane with the great leaders of this nation is ridiculous.
          Obama gave a great speech, the purpose of which was to divide the people of this nation. A continuing theme of his candidacy for a second term. His starting to cater to the heartland is a joke, he sure did'nt give a damn about small town, rural America in his first campaign. This speech was to the San Francisco/ State of Californicators, gangs, and gays.
Barrack Obama -
The worst President in
U. S. history!
Why did'nt he give that speech to them out in Kansas. Instead he brought out Dwight Eisenhower, and his White Grandfather who served his country in WWII, unlike Obama himself, who has only served himself. Not sure where his black grandfather was during this time of world wide upheaval. His Black daddy was a common skirt chasing, drunkard. Perhaps he got this from his grand daddy. His grand daddy was said to have ants up his anus, so who knows. He was a convict, who served time in prison. Check out this link and read about his grandfather the Af Rican.
          Obama now has to try and associate himself with people he has absolutely nothing in common with. I'm positively sure Ike would shudder at being used by Obama. They could'nt be more different. But how could he bring up his real friends to Osawatomie, Kansas. Barbra Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, the evil, Nancy Pelosi,  Rezko, Frank Marshall Davis, Timothy Geitner, Louis Farrakan, Eric holder, Raul Reyes, Harry Reid.....  These people have nothing in common with the good, decent people of America.
          Obama will stoop to any level to win re-election, watch out Republicans he's now trying to tie himself to the good Roosevelt. And as usual it's all about raising taxes. Thats what every democrat wants to do, raise taxes. This time it's the rich, next time it's you. The democrats have to have the money to fund their useless socialist programs. Taxes are where they get it. If you don't like high taxes then don't vote democrat.                 

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