January 20, 2012

Stupid Democrats in Indiana!

Be a great American, Fight the "ism's" everyday - Fascism, Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Obamism.
           Everyone in Indiana is trying to pass a Right To Work bill. The whole gist of the argument is to allow people who work at say a union plant to opt out of supporting the union. They have to pay no more union dues. That would allow American workers to stop supporting unjust causes like the murder of innocent babies, which the union supports. They would not have to support wacko Liberalism, or Gays, Or Socialists like Hussein Obama, like the unions now force them to do through forced appropriation of the workers moneys. They would be free to choose. This fight just proves how evil the unions are. The democrats who are supported by the unions are getting rich as a result of this support. The unions are filling their pockets to stay away from the State house Chamber and not vote on the bill. The union has paid thugs to show up at the state house in Indianapolis to try and intimidate the legitimate law makers, that would be the Republicans of course.

January 17, 2012

The State Of Obama!

Be a great American, Fight the "ism's" everyday - Fascism, Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Obamism.

What a Loser is.
          The easiest column  to write these days is the "I told you so" column. Under one half of us Americans knew the Obama presidency was destined to failure. It's why we didn't vote for him in the first place. Just last week it was reported that unemployment spiked to 399,000 thousand. Weekly applications rose by 24,000.  
        America has at least 13 million unemployed!

January 8, 2012

Liberal College Professor Rapes Children!

Be a Great American, Fight the "ism's" everyday - Fascism, Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Obamism.

Another horrible, evil college professor in the news. This time it's not for his wacko Socialist, America hating
Dwain Pellabon, College Professor, Arrested rapist!
views. It's for the rape of children. Dwain A. Pellabon (sounds French that would explain a lot) is an assistant professor in the school of social work. What the hell is that - a course for football players? He was arrested on 2 counts of rape and 1 count of lewd acts with a child under 16. It figures that he would be on the board of directors for the Cleveland Co CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocates for children. Like Jerry Sandusky and all the rest of those Liberal sexual deviants, he had a scheme to get to his victims.

January 4, 2012

The People of Iowa Have Spoken!

Be a great American, Fight the "ism's" everyday - Fascism, Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Obamism.
Iowa Winner! Mitt Romney!
        Mitt Romney wins the first round. Or what I think is that Romney's money won the first round. Ron (Old Timer) Paul came in third and that my friends is the end of Ron Paul. Yep, the last we will hear of him. He's dead in the water. He won't do anything in New Hampshire, he'll be none existent in South Carolina, or any of the rest. Hoped you guys enjoyed his ride.