January 8, 2012

Liberal College Professor Rapes Children!

Be a Great American, Fight the "ism's" everyday - Fascism, Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Obamism.

Another horrible, evil college professor in the news. This time it's not for his wacko Socialist, America hating
Dwain Pellabon, College Professor, Arrested rapist!
views. It's for the rape of children. Dwain A. Pellabon (sounds French that would explain a lot) is an assistant professor in the school of social work. What the hell is that - a course for football players? He was arrested on 2 counts of rape and 1 count of lewd acts with a child under 16. It figures that he would be on the board of directors for the Cleveland Co CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocates for children. Like Jerry Sandusky and all the rest of those Liberal sexual deviants, he had a scheme to get to his victims.
But the Democrats will tell you sexual deviantcy is okay, in fact they promote it. They are Nancy Pelosi's favorites. They also promote the killing of innocent babies. Another reason to hate Progressive, Socialist, Liberalism perpetrated on America by these wackos.

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