December 14, 2011

Rich People Don't Owe Me Anything!

          I don't want a handout, like a democrat, I'm an American!
          Obama's class warfare will not work, it hasn't, and it won't. More than anything else, because the Republicans will not back down and give in to him. The Republicans are like a top Hound dog, who's on the trail of an escaped convict. The President can run through the creeks, get in a car and drive off, what ever. The Hound can track him through anything, and will not stop until his prey is brought to heel. I am so proud of my Republican and Tea Party, representatives.

Mr. Burns - the Evil Rich

          Barrack who is the poster boy for the ACLU, is looking for more tax revenue. Democrats have to have tax payer money to spend. That's the bottom line, that's what this is all about.
It's not about paying down the debt, it's not about cutting spending, it's about Socialism. Take from the rich and don't give it to a damn soul. Just throw it away foolishly like they always do. He's had 3 years of totally desperate times in America and all he wants is more, more, more. Not one word about getting this suffocating debt off the working classes backs. Which Thank God, my Conservative cohorts are championing. Obama tries hard to make it a fight of the evil rich, you can picture Mr. Burns the owner of the Springfield Nuclear power plant on the Simpson's cartoon, vs. the honest, hard working poor, who are doing the best they can with the evil rich man holding them down. If only we could get them rich peoples money we would be ok. The wronged would be righted. Justice would prevail. In reality he should be ashamed, but Socialists never are, their tactics are to lie, cheat, and steal the wealth of the country that host them. They are just like Unions - blood sucking leaches. Lets suppose for a moment, what if Obama got all the wealth, after he's spent that, what comes next? Work camps, because you've got to feed the machine. The machine I'm talking about is Liberal Socialism. It can never get enough of free stuff. (Obamacare!) Even when there is no one to pay. Ask all those in the Gulag work camps. Oh, you can't, their dead. They kept the Soviet system creeping along for a long time tho. Death camp labor. After all the wealth was gone, thats all they had. What do you think will happen here once the wealth is gone.   
          Why would any intelligent person want to support a higher tax on anyone, for any reason? The government has proved it's lack of responsibility in handling our money. Thats why we're in the poor financial shape we're in, - Because of their    "Lack of Financial Responsibility".    And instead of them starting us on the road to recovery by cutting spending, and paying down the debt, especially to China, they want more money to throw away on more useless Socialist programs. More, more, more, it will never be enough. We are already taxed to the teeth. Thank God for the Tea party. They may have been the only thing to save us, literally.
          The rich do not owe me anything. What I have is by my own ability. Thank God I was born in a country that valued the individual, and let them achieve to their potential.  Thank God for America, and lets kick Socialism's ass to the curb.
No New Taxes - at anytime, for any reason, under any condition, ever!
                      They will only throw it away on useless socialist programs.

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