December 16, 2011

Eric Holder's War on America!

          The best thing I heard in all of the Debate last night was Gingrichs proposal to drop all of the Attorney General's lawsuits against several of the states. Hooray For Newt! Eric Holder's war on behalf of the illegals against America, must end. He has also provided them with guns to be used against us in the drug wars and the illegal wars.

Eric Holder, railing against Americans
 defending their country against the
invading hordes of illegals!
          Holder has a long history of being a racist and being an enemy to the American people. When Attorney General refuses to prosecute the New Black Panther Party for intimidating white voters in direct violation of law, well, what else do you call it. A spades, a spade. Holder was a key supporter of the FALN, a radical Porto Rican group convicted of a string of terrorist bombings, and murders. So far Holder has refused all attempts to comment about his part in their approval for clemency under slick Willie (cigar) Clinton. It is unreasonable, and naive to even consider that Holder didn't know, and approve, of the sale of American weapons to America's enemies to be used against Americans. Of course he knew.

          America's enemy, Holder, has taken every opportunity to obfuscate, and delay the release of documents in the Fast and Furious operation which has resulted in the murder of Brian Terry. Of course Obama and Holder don't care about Brian Terry. He was on the wrong team anyway. California Representative Darrel Issa pronounced the evil Holder in "Contempt of Congress" for refusing to turn over certain internal e-mails. The reader might at this time wonder why the evil Holder will not submit to congresses requirements, one as I do can quite easily assume from this action alone that Holder is guilty. Although repeatedly called by members of congress to resign, he has refused and continues to fight against America as Obama's left hand man. When we win the election we must prosecute this matter fully, Brian Terry deserves justice, and Holder must pay for his crimes against America.

On another subject have you seen Hillary Clinton lately? Good Lord thats an ugly women!

1 comment:

  1. Holder needs to resign. He is sa bad as Obama.


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